November 4
Wards 1 & 2: Hudsonville City Hall (Community Room), 3275 Central Blvd
Ward 3: Hudsonville UCC, 4950 32nd Avenue
Not sure of your ward? View our map here.
Election Reminders
• Michigan voters can be added to the Permanent Ballot list by filling out and submitting one final absent voter application (making sure the box to sign up for this list is checked).
• Snowbirds and college students should make sure to contact the City Clerk’s office to make sure their mailing address is up to date prior to any election they would like to vote in. The USPS will NOT forward election mail.
• Michigan voters have the option to vote nine (9) days prior to every State or Federal election. This early voting period starts the second Saturday before the election and goes through the Sunday before the election.
• All registered Michigan voters are now eligible to receive an absentee ballot prior to each election with no reason needed. In order to receive an absentee ballot, you must submit a signed absentee ballot application first.
• An Absentee Voter Ballot application may be requested from the City Clerk at the Hudsonville City offices or you can download an application HERE and submit it to the City Clerk through mail, drop box, or email to
• Voters who have joined the Permanent Ballot list will no longer receive an absent voter application prior to each election. They will receive their ballot (or ballot selection form in Presidential primary years) prior to each election.
Additional Information
• Military and Overseas Voters can find information on how to vote while deployed or working outside the US here.
• Voter registration and address updates can be completed online by visiting You can also view sample ballots and make your election plan.