PRESS RELASE - Buttermilk Creek Construction

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New Amenities Announced for Buttermilk Creek Park 

Hudsonville, Michigan  To accommodate the growing popularity of Buttermilk Creek Park, the city is moving forward with plans to install permanent public restrooms and a parking area at 3511 New Holland St.  


On July 8th, the new parking lot and restroom facility will begin construction near the New Holland Street entrance. Additionally, as part of the project, the city will also be constructing a small rain garden and planting native shrubs and vegetation near the new facility. 


After considering seven proposals, the City Commission formally awarded the $330,470 project to McGraw Construction at their May 14 meeting. Utilizing a $150,000 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant, the project is projected to realize substantial completion by September 30. 


City naturalist, Craig Elston, stated “While Buttermilk Creek Park is still being developed, the wildlife viewing opportunities will continue to progress. As the trees that were planted continue to grow along the creek, the number of birds should increase, as these environments will be good for migrating warblers and other species”. 


When asked about the project, Mayor Mark Northrup statedthe City of Hudsonville continues to work toward the goal set in the strategic plan by providing more local opportunities to eat, shop, and live. With a vision of creating vibrant public spaces, fostering community engagement, and promoting overall well-being, the city is excited to continue to enhance our parks system this year and for the years to come. We are proud that our parks have become essential hubs for recreational activities, social gatherings, and a place to relax in our community, and we look forward to continuing this momentum.” 

More: City Announcements