PRESS RELEASE: City of Hudsonville Announces Construction of Center Left Turn Lanes on 32nd Avenue at New Holland Street

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Hudsonville, MI – [Date] – The City of Hudsonville has contracted with CL Trucking & Excavating to enhance traffic flow and safety by constructing a center left turn lane for both northbound and southbound 32nd Avenue at New Holland Street.

To facilitate these improvements, approximately 600 feet of 32nd Avenue, north of New Holland Street, will be widened slightly. South of New Holland Street, 32nd Avenue will only require restriping. 

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday, July 15 and is expected to last approximately four weeks.

During construction, traffic on 32nd Avenue will be maintained with a single lane open in each direction. However, left turns from 32nd Avenue onto New Holland Street, both Southbound and Northbound will not be permitted. Motorists can access New Holland Street via Highland Drive to the south or Barry/Allen Streets to the north.

The majority of this project is funded by a Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant through the Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC). The total construction cost will be $404,238 with $220,800 funded through the GVMC.

When asked about this project, Mayor Mark Northrup said “32nd Ave has become a major economic corridor in West Michigan. This is good news. The city leadership, however, is very aware with this economic progress comes more traffic. Who hasn’t been trapped in a left lane waiting for the car in front to make a left in front of oncoming traffic? It’s aggravating and can even result in traffic accidents. The city is working diligently on 32nd Ave within city limits to help mitigate accidents and improve traffic flow. With that, this summer the city will be adding a designated northbound turn lane at New Holland and 32nd Ave.”

More: City Announcements