PRESS RELEASE: Hudsonville’s Barry Street Realignment Project Detour Update

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Contact: Lindsey Hicks, Director of Marketing

September 4th, 2024

Hudsonville, MI – The City has contracted with Brenner Excavating and Fleis and Vandenbrink Engineering on the Barry Street Realignment Project at the intersection of Barry Street and 32nd Avenue. The project was delayed for several months by the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) as the city worked to secure the necessary stream crossing permit. This realignment project began in August 2024 and is expected to reach substantial completion by December 1, 2024. The project will shift the intersection of Barry Street and 32nd Avenue northward, aligning Barry Street with Allen Street. The purpose of this realignment is to decrease congestion while improving safety for pedestrians and vehicular traffic.

During construction, a detour will be posted around the construction zone, directing traffic to Beechridge Drive and Laurelwood Drive. Due to the contractor’s schedule and material availability, the Barry Street road closure and associated detour will go into effect on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

This realignment will add a new section of roadway starting on Barry Street, just west of Cliff Court. This section will curve gently north and then west to align with Allen Street at 32nd Avenue. The current portion of Barry Street south of the creek, from Cliff Court to 32nd Avenue, will be converted into a dead-end stub and renamed "Barry Court." Barry Court will no longer connect with 32nd Avenue, and the existing traffic signal at that location will be removed.

The total construction cost for the project is $1,250,000; however, the City of Hudsonville is utilizing a legislative appropriation made possible by support from Senator Roger Victory’s office in the amount of $951,000.

Please contact Lindsey Hicks, Director of Marketing at 616-669-0200 or

More: City Announcements