Community   /   Parking


So you want to park in Hudsonville.

As you have noticed, Hudsonville is going through a transformation that is bringing more businesses and residents to downtown.  More people coming downtown means… more demand for parking!  This has caused challenges.  Challenges that can be overcome.  One of the ways to overcome this challenge is awareness, which is the purpose of this article.

To help you be aware of where parking is available signage has been added for some of the main public parking areas.  Signage is also being provided for private parking lots where businesses are graciously permitting the public to park when their parking demand is lower. 

On-street parking is another option that is available right now.  If there isn’t a “No Parking” sign, it means you are permitted to parallel park on that street.  Please take advantage of this available parking!  


Click the map for a PDF!

There is enough parking available for everyone, although during peak times a short walk may be necessary as prime parking spaces are filled.  For fun, the map below provides a comparison between the RiverTown Crossings Mall and downtown Hudsonville.  We have all been to the mall where people normally do not think too much about the length of their walk, even though it often involves going from one end of the mall to the other.

The map shows that walking the entire 2-block length of Harvey Street “From Terra Square to Family Fare” is like walking the length of the mall corridor from Sears to Macy’s.  Harvey Street will never be indoors, but part of the reason it has been transformed is to help make your walk more enjoyable.  Harvey Street is a Shared Street, which means pedestrians get priority over vehicles – so please enjoy your short walk!

We have heard comments that people need to walk too far to get to a local business that may be ½ a block away from an available parking space.  Parking at the mall usually requires a longer walk through the parking lot get into the mall.  What is a nicer walk?  The equivalent of walking ½ a block through the mall parking lot or ½ a block in downtown Hudsonville?  Our goal is to make the short walk in downtown Hudsonville is a more pleasant one to help encourage customers in downtown.


Click the map for a PDF!

There are more improvements on the way that will add more parking spaces in the downtown. This year part of the Service Drive will go through a transformation that will give it an inviting appearance and add more parking capacity.  About a dozen parking spaces will also be added along Harvey Street.  There are also efforts to build another public parking lot.

As the transformation continues of downtown Hudsonville continues and more businesses arrive, there will be continued efforts to add parking capacity and improve the appearance.  The vision is for you to enjoy a vibrant downtown with many places to visit so stay tuned as the changes continue to come your way!